Meet The Team

Bob Hanna

Owner & Financial Professional

Mark Hughes

Owner & Financial Professional

Caitlin Hughes

Financial Professional

Jennifer Beard

Executive Assistant | Client Services

Safeguarding Your Retirement

Retirement is a significant milestone that should bring peace and security. However, without proper planning, it can be overshadowed by uncertainty and financial risk. At Retirement Wealth Strategies, we specialize in identifying and mitigating the risks that threaten your retirement security. Here are three key risks we help you manage:

Timing Risk

Deciding when to retire is a major decision that can significantly impact your financial stability. What if you choose a year when the market is down, or economic conditions are unfavorable?

Our strategic planning helps ensure that you retire with confidence, no matter the market conditions. We offer personalized advice and retirement timing strategies to safeguard your investments from volatile market phases.

Inflation Risk

With the cost of living consistently rising, it’s crucial to ensure that your retirement income keeps pace. Will your income be enough to maintain your lifestyle as prices increase?

We address this by integrating inflation-beating strategies into your retirement plans, such as investing in assets that historically outpace inflation and adjusting withdrawal rates to preserve your purchasing power.

Longevity Risk

One of the greatest fears for retirees is outliving their income. How can you ensure that your funds last for your entire lifetime, especially as average life expectancy increases?

We tailor your retirement plan to include long-term income solutions and secure financial vehicles that provide stability throughout your retirement years.

Dreaming of the
perfect retirement

Our mission is to help our clients sleep well knowing they have worked to mitigate retirement risks